
We pay attention to four major areas; however, we constantly assess our program areas to ensure that we are on the correct track toward fulfilling our goal and vision, which are all focused toward increasing vigilance for safer and more secure communities, including our digital space.

Vigilance First

Our flagship program, Vigilance First, is designed to amplify public awareness and understanding of security matters among the populace. This initiative is dedicated to disseminating comprehensive security awareness throughout our operational areas, aiming to enhance public knowledge and preparedness.

We concentrate on various facets of security including Cybersecurity, Human security, Serious and Organised Crime and awareness about emerging security threats. The program aims to equip individuals with essential knowledge and tools to navigate these diverse security landscapes effectively

Security Aid

Our Security Aid program offers comprehensive assistance to victims of crime while also extending support to our security institutions. We pool resources to aid crime victims, guiding them to legitimate institutions where they receive holistic support—covering technical, legal, psychological, and emotional aspects.

In tandem with supporting victims, we collaborate with security institutions, aligning our efforts to assist in fulfilling their mandates. Our aim is to extend a helping hand wherever possible, fostering a synergistic relationship that complements our shared objectives

Sec Diplomacy

Criminal activities transcend borders, necessitating robust collaboration, partnerships, and dialogues among nations, governments, organizations, institutions, and individuals. Our Sec Diplomacy (Cyber Diplomacy) program is dedicated to establishing strategic alliances with global partners who share our vision of creating a safer cyberspace and society.

We actively contribute to shaping both local and global policies concerning cyber and human crimes, AI policy, internet governance, technology policies, and related areas. Through our concerted efforts, we aim to influence policy-making discussions and decisions, fostering a more secure digital environment and contributing to the well-being of our global community


We engage in extensive research on cyber, human behavior, online extremism, as well as national and global security issues. Our organization publishes reports, findings, and recommendations derived from our research endeavors, distributing them to reputable institutions, academia, agencies, and organizations through legitimate channels.

Our research serves multiple purposes including informing decision and policy-making processes, disseminating public information, advocating for change, fostering continuous learning, and more. Ultimately, our goal is to contribute to the creation of a safer and more secure society through these diverse efforts